Jessica Rohrer

For more than a decade the source material for Jessica Rohrer’s work has been her homes and neighborhoods, from her birthplace in Wisconsin to New Jersey where she now lives and works. Often labor intensive, the work deals with ideas of representation, public vs private space, identity, memory, and a desire to control our surrounding environment.
Rohrer holds an MFA in painting from Yale University School of Art. She has a BA from Northwestern University and did post-graduate work at the Art Institute of Chicago. She has been awarded multiple residencies including Yaddo, Wave Hill and the Guttenberg Space and Time Residency. Rohrer‘s work is in multiple private collections and has been exhibited throughout the United States since 1998. She has been reviewed in numerous publications including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Art in America, and The New Yorker.  Rohrer lives and works in New Jersey.